
You Don’t have to be Vegan to enjoy…

RA Vegan Cafe featuring Yoki’s Vegan Treats!

Open @ the SHAPE Center Cafe

Wed: 11:30 – 6:00pm
Thur: 11:30 – 6:00pm

Treat your Body to a Delicious Vegan Meal

Food & Drink

Enjoy Healing SOUL Food and Drinks

Did you know that when you eat a highly nutritious plant based meal that your body drives you to eat less?  When food has a low nutritional count, the body stimulates us to eat more in an attempt to acquire more nutrition. This is a leading cause of obesity in America. The high intake of ‘dead’ food, which is food lacking needed nutrition is a central cause for dis-ease of not only the body but also the mind and soul.  When food is nutritious and delicious it is truly SOUL food.  RA Vegan goes above and beyond to ensure that our food not only tastes amazing but more importantly does the body good.  We avoid processed and unhealthy ingredients such as non-hydrogenated oils therefore making most of our items from scratch including our delicious salad dressings, vegan mayonnaise, flat breads etc.

“You know that you ate a healthy meal when you feel energized after eating it as opposed to sluggish and heavy.”  ~Aset

RA Vegan Libations

The ultimate drink is one that flushes away toxins and leaves behind healing herbs while at the same time deliciously quenching the thirst.  Every RA Vegan  brew is a delicious medicinal herbal concoction that will impress your palate and nourish your cells.


About Us.

RA Vegan Cafe is not just a place to eat but more importantly a place to experience high vibration energy and food!

Ra Vegan Cafe is not only for die hard vegans, it’s for anyone who wants to enjoy a delicious plant based meal.

Aset Hetep

RA Vegan Cafe is serving up DELICIOUS VEGAN Health Conscious Meals on Wednesdays and Thursdays at the community beacon, SHAPE Center. RA Vegan offers a rotating non-gmo menu consisting of organic salads and high vibratory delicious dishes.  RA Vegan offers cooked and 80/20% raw/cooked dishes with gluten free options available AS WELL AS Yoki’s Vegan Treats!!.  We also brew delicious sweetened organic medicinal herbal iced teas that we call RA Tonics.

Ra Vegan Cafe’s Founder and Head Chef, Aset Hetep majored in Culinary for 3 years before deciding to choose Information Technology as her career choice back in the early 1990s.   She has always had a way of infusing food with love and deliciousness.  She now shares that love and deliciousness with everyone that enjoys her food at RA Vegan Cafe.  Aset officially embarked on a vegetarian diet back in 2004.  Since then she has explored various levels of vegan food prep including 80/20 raw/cooked.  She applies her years of knowledge, wisdom and talent to every dish that is made at RA Vegan Cafe.  Aset is a testament of the trials and tribulations of adopting a vegan lifestyle.  She knows what it is like to be a die hard vegan and to fall off the wagon from time to time.  Her philosophy is to let food be a source of healing, not stress…mentally, physically or spiritually.

Yoki is bringing her successful online business to RA Vegan Cafe!  Be sure to try her delicious moist vegan cakes!

Would you like us to serve breakfast?


3815 Live Oak St, Houston, TX 77004


(832) 736-2814

Open Wed-thur

Wed:  11:30am – 6:00pm
Thur: 11:30am – 6:00pm


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